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myhobby-CNC - Kunden Supportforum

Differences between the original Shapeoko2 and the one of myhobby-CNC
23.09.14 16:30


Differences between the original Shapeoko2 and the one of myhobby-CNC

I am often asked what are the differences between the two versions.

The differences are described in the WIKI under http://www.myhobby-cnc.de/wiki/doku.php?...y-cnc:shapeoko2. Since the WIKI is in German, I will explain the main differences here:

  • As I let make the MakerSlides for myself, I have customized a starprofil for the side holes where the threads must be drilled. Through this star profile no more threads must be drilled. The thread will be shaped by a screw at the first screwing!
  • I have designed a new motor holding plate for the Z-axis. In two of these plates, the ball bearing is clamped so that no backlash in Z-direction is produced. It may be used a normal ball bearings.
  • Our eccentric nuts have no internal thread. Therefore, it can be used for the Shapeoko and Shapeoko2. As a substitute a self-locking nut is in the set.
  • Instead of stacked distance rolls for the gantry, we use spacer bolts with 53mm length. So both plates can be individually bolted and removed.
  • The timing belt of the Y-axis is held on one side in the frame plate with a set screw.
  • The motor plates do not have a big long slot, but a normal hole and a slot. Therefore, it is ensured that one MakerSlide is mounted at right angle.
  • In the frame profiles (20x20mm alu extrusion) we use not the sheet-nuts. We slide the screw heads into the profile nut and secure them from the outside with a nut. That allowed to screw something else out there and the MDF board can be any thickness.
  • We use standoffs (distance roller) with 7mm. Therefore, the Z axis is slightly different assembled. The screws are rotated by 180 degrees.
  • We use HTD-3M timing belts and pullys instead of the GT2 types. Because they are more stable and took more torque!

Those were the major changes. I hope that along with the images in wiki helps!

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described   MakerSlides   assembled   Differences   Shapeoko2   something   individually   standoffs   customized   substitute   self-locking   myhobby-CNC   eccentric   Z-direction   different   sheet-nuts   distance   MakerSlide   Therefore   starprofil